Starting a new limited liability company (LLC) is always full of risks and requires you to consider numerous factors. An LLC offers liability protection for its owner with individual-level taxes. The two promising states for setting up your LLC are Wyoming and Delaware.

Check this out to see what benefits you will get for each place and which one to choose between Delaware vs Wyoming LLC.

Delaware and Wyoming common points

Wyoming and Delaware are regarded as business-friendly places for registering an LLC.

While the latter has built up its business-friendly nature for a long time, Wyoming was just considered convenient for businessmen recently. Coming to these two places, you’ll get to enjoy pro-business laws and low corporate income taxes. Moreover, there are streamlined filing processes, minimizing the costs and paperwork for an LLC registration.

With its benefits, the two locations have attracted a large amount of business from all over America. International businessmen have recognized Delaware as a go-to place for LLC incorporation and registration in the US. More than half of publicly traded companies in the US and about 63% of all Fortune companies have chosen this state to thrive.

Not satisfied with being at a standstill, Wyoming manages to stand out as an ideal place to start small businesses. The Economist Magazine even recognizes it as the “Switzerland of Rocky Mountain”.

Although there is asset and liability protection and a balanced regime for business registration, not all companies can survive smoothly in these two states. Regarding fees, taxes, and laws, there are certain differences between these two places.

Thus, to pick the right side in the battle of Delaware LLC vs Wyoming LLC, remember to factor in all options.

Requirements Delaware Wyoming
Corporate income tax Yes No
Personal income tax  Yes No
Corporate shares tax No No
Franchise tax  Yes No
Minimal annual tax No Yes
Requires shares certificate  Yes No
Requires minimal capital No No
Meetings can be held everywhere  Yes  Yes


To start a limited liability company in these states, you need to pay a filing fee. For Wyoming, the fee is $100, while in Delaware, you will have to spend $90. If you want to file an annual report in Wyoming, the fee is fixed at $50, depending on the assets of the company that is operating in this place.

On the other hand, Delaware requires no fees for this report. However, there is an annual tax of $250 if you decide to place your business here.

Sometimes, you will have to hand out a certificate of good standing, which is a requirement of several financial institutions. To get this certificate in this state, you’ll have to pay $175 for a long form and $50 for a short form. Moving to Wyoming, this certificate is completely free.


It’s hard to draw a line between Delaware and Wyoming regarding privacy.

Delaware is one of the four states (the other three are Wyoming, Nevada, and New Mexico) that doesn’t make public the names and addresses of the limited liability company members. Although you do need to submit a list of members and officers, only your registered company’s name, address, and entity will appear in public.

Visit our comprehensive article to understand more about Delaware LLC privacy.

Delaware LLC Vs Wyoming LLC: Which is better for you?

Why should you choose Delaware LLC?

One of the key advantages that one will receive if they pick Delaware as the home to their LLC is that there is a court system called the Court of Chancery here.

This court specializes in business law and corporate disputes. The Court of Chancery doesn’t use juries; instead, they have judges. Those judges have business backgrounds so they can deal with business matters without juries.

Besides, corporate prosecutors are more familiar with business law in this state. If you are forming an LLC in Delaware, there won’t be many restrictions or limits as the law offers great flexibility in building corporations and boarding members.

Another amazing bonus point is the tax benefit. While Wyoming is becoming more popular as it doesn’t charge customers state corporate margin tax, Delaware draws business people in with their friendly tax laws (less on tax expenses).

If you’re planning to run a large company that can bring benefits in the long run while accepting the state laws and the Court of Chancery, Delaware is the place to go.

Why should you choose Wyoming?

Most business owners stay in this location to enjoy lower administrative and annual operating costs. They also don’t have to pay income, franchise, and corporate taxes, which significantly reduces tax obligations).

To operate here, business here will be under the Corporation Act. This law allows your company to be established in the shortest time with as much power under the law as possible. Plus, even if you are not American, you can still build a limited liability company in this state.

If you’re looking for somewhere to run a small online shop or an e-commerce business without raising venture capital, go for Wyoming.

What about Nevada?

Regarding business-friendly states, we can’t miss out on Nevada. It’s because there are no requirements for state taxes here, including income tax, personal income tax, and franchise tax here. They also offer great privacy protection, allowing you to incorporate companies without listing your assets at the state level.

Choosing one among Delaware vs Nevada vs Wyoming for your LLC to grow is always an uphill struggle. Still, Nevada is the ultimate choice for those with small businesses who desire to receive the ease of registration, low corporate taxes, and no state taxes.

You can discover more information in our blog article on Delaware vs Nevada LLC right now.


Delaware vs Wyoming LLC, have you decided where to establish your business at this point? Every state has its advantages and regulations that are suitable for different groups of business owners. Weight up every factor and pick the ideal land to take off your career.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it better to form an LLC in Delaware?

  • Delaware has no corporate income tax
  • Delaware has very favorable tax laws for LLCs
  • This state has a well-developed court system that is specifically designed to deal with business disputes.

So forming an LLC there can give your business some added credibility.

Why you should form an LLC in Wyoming?

  • Wyoming has no personal income tax and no corporate income tax
  • Wyoming has very favorable laws for LLCs

Why does everyone incorporate in Delaware?

Delaware has very business-friendly laws. The state has a long history of supporting businesses, and its courts have a good reputation for being fair to businesses. Additionally, incorporating in Delaware can provide tax benefits. Finally, Delaware is home to many professional service providers who can help businesses with the incorporation process.

What is the Delaware tax loophole?

Delaware allows corporations and wealthy individuals to avoid paying some taxes in other states. So there’s something called the Delaware Loophole, which allows businesses to avoid paying state corporate income tax where the money is generated.

Is Wyoming better than Delaware for LLC?

Ultimately, the choice between Wyoming and Delaware for LLC depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you’re looking for more resources and support and low taxes, Delaware is home to many large businesses and has a well-established corporate law infrastructure. And if you’re looking for a state with fewer requirements, Wyoming may be the better choice.

Disclaimer: While BBCIncorp strives to make the information on this website as timely and accurate as possible, the information itself is for reference purposes only. You should not substitute the information provided in this article for competent legal advice. Feel free to contact BBCIncorp’s customer services for advice on your specific cases.

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